Cock Ring Sizing

An important part of purchasing a penis ring is making sure that it fits properly. It should be tight enough to restrict the penile blood flow, but not too tight as to cause damage to the penis. To deal with this, you need to have an understanding of how cock ring sizing works.

What Sizes are Available?

When choosing a cock ring, there isn’t a single set of guidelines that suits everyone. Different manufacturers all have their own stats for their own products, and things might not translate from one company to another. Either the measurements or tension levels of the rings may differ even if it still says large or medium.

If you already owned cock rings and decide to start using a different manufacturer then it may take a little trial and error to find your new appropriate size. The size of a cock ring is usually measured in diameter. The size of the cock ring should be slightly smaller than the diameter of your penis.

Obviously, it’s very difficult to measure the diameter of your own penis. You should instead measure the circumference (the measurement around the edge of the penis). This can then be converted into diameter with some calculations. There are many tools online that can help with this.

Unless you buy a metal cock ring, there will be some give to the cock ring. This means even with rings that are slightly too small you should still be able to wear them. If you don’t want to worry too much about finding the exact right size, then picking up an adjustable cock ring can make the whole process much easier.

When measuring yourself for a cock ring, it’s important to be erect as the penis is much bigger at this point. You should measure the part you plan to put the ring around (most often the base of the penis). If you don’t have a flexible measuring tape to use, you can use a piece of string instead. Wrap the string around the penis and mark on it with a pen where the string crosses over. Then lay it flat next to a ruler and see where your mark ends up.

If you plan on buying a cock and ball ring, the process of measuring is very similar, with one key difference. Rather than just measuring around the base of the penis, you need to measure around the shaft and the entire scrotum. You can do this several times to make sure you have an accurate measurement.

Even if buying an adjustable cock ring it’s still important to have a rough idea of your measurements. These cock rings have minimum and maximum diameters, so if your penis circumference doesn’t fall within these numbers the ring won’t fit no matter how much you adjust it.

This measurement is much more important when buying a metal cock ring. Plastic or latex cock rings will have more give, so a slightly inaccurate measurement won’t be the end of the world. Metal rings are completely rigid though, so an inaccurate measurement will be much worse. These types of cock rings are not recommended for beginners.

If you feel any discomfort or pain while wearing your cock ring, you should remove it immediately and check your measurements were correct. If you don’t want to waste lots of money buying several cock rings, it’s important to get your measurements correct before buying.

As a rough guide to measurements, this should give you a rough estimate:

Penis Circumference

Ring Diameter

5 Inches

1.6 Inches

5.5 Inches

1.8 Inches

6.25 Inches

2 Inches

7 Inches

2.2 Inches

7.5 Inches

2.4 Inches

8 Inches

2.6 Inches

Remember that these are only rough estimates, and it might vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer. The only way to be sure is to take your own measurements and compare them to the manufacturer's guidelines. Lastly, you can ultimately enjoy wearing one by taking these helpful tips for using a penis ring.

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